’We both have the BUas mentality’

’We both have the BUas mentality’

05/06/2024 - 11:34

Roland Krips and Jill Gouders both graduated in Creative Business (International Media & Entertainment Management) in 2022. They work together at Scooperz, a social and influencer agency in Breda. Roland is a Creative and Jill is Social Media Manager.
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How did you end up at Scooperz? 

Roland: ’I actually did my graduation project at Scooperz. After my graduation Scooperz offered me a job as a Creative.’ 

Jill: ’I did my thesis in Greece and was an Entertainment Manager there. After that I worked for a company that arranged goodie bags for big events such as the Dutch Televizier Gala. I saw some graduates of BUas working at Scooperz, I didn’t even know there was a big agency company in Breda. I applied for a job and now I’m a Social Media Manager.’ 

Can you tell a bit more about your jobs? 

Roland: ’I’m involved in the complete creative process. Just think of production, post- production, brainstorming and content creation. I have, for example, a big assignment for Hoog Catherijne in Utrecht. I work on the A to Z part, like brainstorming, pitching to the client and creating short form videos.’ 

Jill: ’I’m busy with my role as Social Media Manager and I’m currently leading a lot of UGC campaigns, which is a completely new role in our organisation. UGC stands for User Generated Content. Unlike influencers, these creators do not have their own following. However, they produce interesting content as freelancers.

Brands such as L’Oréal or Maxi-Cosi use those creators for their campaigns. For the audience, it feels more authentic when someone – much like a friend or neighbour – shares insights about a new product. This form of advertising holds immense value and is relatively novel. At Scooperz we actively seek out those UGC creators on TikTok and Instagram so we can mobilise them for impactful campaigns.’

How come there are so many BUas alumni working at Scooperz?

Roland: ’For me, Scooperz was the ideal destination. I completed my graduation there, and I find a strong correlation with BUas and Creative Business. Our roles are very independent; that’s also what you learn as a student. The ability to conceptualise comes naturally, and it’s a perfect fit.’ 

Of all the client collaborations, which one stands out as your favourite? 

Roland: ’At the moment I’m particularly enthusiastic about the collaboration with our client Hoog Catherijne in Utrecht. When we started the project, their TikTok following stood at 4,000. Remarkably, within just ten months, that number has surged to an impressive 20,000 followers. Witnessing the impact of our work – where people actively engage and react – is truly rewarding.’  

Jill: ’For me too, Hoog Catherijne. It feels like my baby. When I joined  Scooperz, I immediately got this client. Over the past months we’ve witnessed remarkable growth in their social media following. I’m very proud of the results so far. I also had a cool campaign for Maxi-Cosi. I had to organise a production shoot, arranging everything from preproduction to supervision. In addition, I really like working with Roland. We learned the same way of working. We always say we have the ”BUas mentality”. At the moment, we also have a placement student from Creative Business in our team. She is doing research about the UGC.’ 

How do you experience working with well-known Dutch people at your company? 

Roland: ’I think it’s very personal. For me, everyone is the same. Just be yourself and just act normal. I’ve never been starstruck.’ 

Jill: ’I have to admit it’s still a bit weird sometimes. It may happen that I have to open the door for a viral TikTok sensation, someone whose content I watch every single day. You learn to deal with it in a professional manner. When I met our colleague Winston Post (a former Dutch actor) I couldn’t help but say to him: ”you are my youth”. It’s a mix of awe and nostalgia. Winston took it in stride, flattered that his acting career left an impression. Interestingly, almost all famous people are very nice. In my experience, they appreciate genuine conversations – connecting with someone who sees beyond their celebrity status.’ 

Which knowledge acquired at BUas do you still apply? 

Roland: ’For me, the most valuable thing is pitching. I really learned how to communicate effectively with others. BUas provided the framework for me to develop into a true professional within the industry.’ 

Jill: ’I still use a lot of what I learned about preproduction. I still do a lot of planning, creating shot lists and I make preparations for the props. I gained a lot of knowledge at BUas and during my placements. I still apply that in my work. At school I learned a lot about what I like, but I also what I don’t like. That was very valuable, that’s why I’m here right now. I knew what I wanted to do and I went for it. I really feel at home here!’  

Do you miss something about BUas?  

Roland: ’I do miss being a student. What I really cherish is that I’m still friends with my classmates. We talk about our careers and we share vacancies. The connectivity part is very nice, before and after the study programme. I have long-term friendships with my classmates.’  

Who was your favourite lecturer? 

Roland: ’I would say Jannie Timmermans. She was my graduation supervisor, she played a huge role and we still have contact every now and then.’ 

Jill: ’I really liked Rob Verhagen. Some of the students felt he was strict, but I thought he was great. I like it when someone is strict. If you worked hard, he really was there for us. I learned a lot from him. I also had a lot of interesting classes from Fritz Kohle. He also was quite strict and I thought I wouldn’t pass my graduation, but because of him I graduated cum laude. He got the best out of me. He’s a bit of ‘a father’ on campus. He’s strict, but also very friendly and personal.’ 

Do you have any advice for graduates or students? 

Roland: ’I would say, know your worth. You are unique, your talents are valuable, and the creativity you learn during your studies holds immense value.’ 

Jill: ’I believe it’s very important to try a lot. After graduation, I was overwhelmed by the choices ahead. It may sound cliché, but you really will end up in the right place. It’s also good to learn what doesn’t fit you. You will be working for a long time, so please do something you really like to do. Get fun out of your job. If it lacks fun, it’s probably not the fight fit for you!


Interview by Elles van Steenis