I suddenly had many more options!

I suddenly had many more options!

05/13/2024 - 16:12

Bas van der Horst studied ICT & Media Design at Fontys in Eindhoven and started working as a UX Designer. Six months later, he started in the Media Innovation master’s programme at BUas.
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You already had a job and still decided to pursue a full-time master’s degree? 

‘I had started working as a User Experience Designer immediately after completing my ICT & Media bachelor’s degree at Fontys, but I realised very quickly that this is not exactly what I want for my career. Then I started looking at study programmes that fit my existing knowledge and skills, but which are a lot more in-depth and broader. And that is how I ended up at the master in Media Innovation programme. I read up on the programme and after the intake interview, I knew for sure that this programme was the one for me!’ 


That took some getting used to? Going back to school? What did you find difficult?

‘The most challenging thing for me was mostly the writing style. There are certain expectations you need to meet when working on a literature review or your thesis. The programme has challenged me to find the right way of thinking and writing.’


And how did you manage to get there in the end? Who or what helped?

‘Working in groups helped. I benefited immensely from my fellow students. We were able to help each other in different areas and really learned from each other. I also have a very positive view on the lecturers. I owe a lot to Fabio Ferreira da Costa Campos who mentored me during my graduation.’


And where did it get you?

‘I started my own business during my master’s degree. That was very deliberate, I wanted to be in the middle of that media landscape and learn exactly how business operations work. My company, bybas media, specialises in photography, graphic design and communication. My close involvement with my clients has allowed me to understand them better and this also allows you to better support people in taking the right steps in the digital world. To them, it is often all new and very complicated.’


You are still working independently?

‘These days I work at ODMedia as Senior Business Developer & Project Manager. This is a very broad position. Everything I have learned about innovation, marketing, legislation and ethics I really need in this position. My responsibilities include new lead generation, sales presentations, marketing, customer relationship management. Furthermore, I also guide and run internal processes for AVOD platforms (Advertising-Based Video on Demand, ed.) such as Roku, Tubi and Xumo.’


Did the master’s degree contribute to you getting this job?

‘Yes, absolutely!’



‘After my bachelor’s degree, I did not immediately see the right opportunities for my career. Thanks to the broader knowledge I gained in the master’s programme, I suddenly had many more options. I wanted a slightly broader position, one that allowed me to be a lot more involved with customers, a little more sales and marketing also seemed like fun. After graduation, I joined the Alumni LinkedIn group of the Media Innovation master’s programme. Through this group I got in touch with someone who worked at ODMedia and who offered me a chance to start as a business developer. I would not have had that opportunity without the master’s degree!’


Is there a memorable moment?

‘During the programme, you mean? I found it all very enjoyable and educational. Together with other students, I once invited and welcomed a class of American students to BUas. That was fun not only because you got to know other people, but especially because you were able to work with more new people on innovations. Because, this is really true, in the master’s programme you are on top of the latest trends and innovations in the media landscape. It has helped me to think more like an innovator, something that is very important for any young professional, especially now in the age of AI.’


What will be your next step?

‘Not long ago, I was appointed project manager for the world’s largest media franchise. I see that as a token of recognition and a nice challenge for the near future!’ 



About the Master Media Innovation

This master’s degree in digital and interactive media was developed in close collaboration with our industry partners. From everyday issues and with a focus on new trends and technologies, you will learn to recognise opportunities for media innovation and turn them into a new and successful product. Bas completed the full-time master’s programme, but there is also an executive mode of study that you can attend next to your job. This too takes one year.

Find out more about this programme via our website


Interview: Maaike Dukker-‘t Hart