Exploring salsa in Cuba: Julia Pollich's Capstone project

Exploring salsa in Cuba: Julia Pollich's Capstone project

04/11/2024 - 11:40

Julia Pollich, a third-year fast-track student in Creative Business, took her passion for salsa dancing to new heights with her Capstone project. In this article, Julia shares her experiences, challenges, and aspirations as she journeyed through Cuba's vibrant streets, capturing the history and essence of salsa.
  • Stories
  • Student work

Can you describe the project you worked on? 

Julia: ‘Initially, I dreamt of shooting a project about salsa dancing in New York City, but logistical and financial challenges led me to explore Cuba instead. After connecting with the Baila Habana salsa dance school, I started my adventure to Cuba.’ 

‘Despite facing language barriers and logistical challenges, I spent over three weeks immersing myself in the local culture, capturing the joy and rhythm of salsa dancing against the backdrop of Havana's historic streets and beautiful landscapes.’ 

‘I explored salsa's history, with the assistance of a Cuban history teacher, who provided invaluable insights into its religious background and deep cultural significance. By exploring museums and doing interviews I uncovered the different layers of salsa's story. Ultimately, my video takes the form of a promotional documentary, offering viewers a glimpse into the captivating world of salsa and its profound impact on Cuban culture.' 

What was your role in the project? 

Julia: ‘Since it was an individual project, my role in it was multifaceted. As the driving force behind the production, I took on the responsibilities of producing, directing, and editing the video. I also handled sound during production, ensuring that every aspect of the project reflected my vision and commitment to make the best possible video.’  

‘Through the owner of the salsa school, I hired a cameraman. What I didn't know beforehand was that he didn't speak English, which came with its challenges during the shooting. However, with the use of a translations app, we made it work.’ 

Looking back on your experience working on this project, what are you most proud of?  

Julia: ‘Reflecting on this journey, I am most proud of my ability to maintain professionalism and composure, even in the face of significant challenges. Despite encountering language barriers and unforeseen obstacles, I stayed focused on my goal and acted with determination and grace.’  

What are your plans for the future? 

Julia: ‘As I near the completion of this graduation project, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. I aspire to pursue a career in television or non-fiction filmmaking. Whether working in pre-production, idea generation, or hands-on production, I am eager to contribute my skills and creativity to projects that resonate with audiences worldwide. Ultimately, I hope to work abroad, perhaps in the UK or the US.’ 


For more updates on Julia's projects and career journey, you can connect with her on LinkedIn.